Julia Gohlke
Lead Senior Scientist, Health
Areas of expertise:
Climate and health, heat and flood related health outcomes, developmental toxicology
Dr. Gohlke is working to improve our understanding and quantification of health outcomes associated with climate change to design mitigation and adaptation policies to optimize health benefits.
Dr. Gohlke is an Associate Professor at Virginia Tech Department of Population Health Sciences. She has lead several federally funded (NIH and NASA) research projects examining adverse birth outcomes, mortality, ED visits and hospitalizations associated with air pollution, extreme heat events, and flooding. Her work has also examined personal exposure measures comparing urban and rural environments through a community-engaged research partnership in Alabama (enactalabama.org). She is a member of the Society of Birth Defects Research and Prevention and the American Geophysical Union GeoHealth section.
- University of Washington School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, PhD and MS
- University of Michigan, BS in Biology
A full list is available on Google Scholar.
- Ramesh, B, Jagger, MA, Zaitchik, B, Kolivras, KN, Swarup, S, Deanes, L, & Gohlke, JM (2021). Emergency department visits associated with satellite observed flooding during and following Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-10.
- Buttling, LG, McKnight, MX, Kolivras, KN, Ranganathan, S, & Gohlke, JM (2021). Maternal proximity to Central Appalachia surface mining and birth outcomes. Environmental Epidemiology, 5(1), e128.
- Wang, S, Wu, C Y, Richardson, MB, Zaitchik, BF, & Gohlke, JM (2021). Characterization of heat index experienced by individuals residing in urban and rural settings. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-13.
- Yao, W, Gallagher, D L, Gohlke, JM, & Dietrich, AM (2021). Children and adults are exposed to dual risks from ingestion of water and inhalation of ultrasonic humidifier particles from Pb-containing water. Science of The Total Environment, 148248.
- Richardson, MB, C Chmielewski, CY Wu, MB Evans, LA McClure, KW Hosig, JM Gohlke. (2020). The effect of time spent outdoors during summer on daily blood glucose and steps in women with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine Nov 1:1-8.
- Carter, AW, Zaitchik, BF, Gohlke, JM, Wang, S, & Richardson, MB. (2020). Methods for estimating Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from remote and low‐cost data: a comparative study in central Alabama. GeoHealth, e2019GH000231.
- S Wang, MB Richardson, CYH Wu, BF Zaitchik, JM Gohlke (2020). Effect of an Additional 30 Minutes Spent Outdoors during Summer on Daily Steps and Individually Experienced Heat Index. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (20), p. 7558
- Milazzo, MJ, JM Gohlke, DL Gallagher, AA Scott, BF Zaitchik and LC Marr. (2019). Potential for city parks to reduce exposure to BTEX in air. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 21(1): 40-50.
- Wu, CY, BF Zaitchik, S Swarup, JM Gohlke. (2019). Influence of the spatial resolution of the exposure estimation in determining the association between heat waves and adverse health outcomes. Annals of the American Assoc of Geographers 109(3): 875-886.
- Wang, S, MB Richardson, CY Wu, CD Cholewa, CT Lungu, BF Zaitchik, JM Gohlke (2019). Estimating occupational heat exposure from personal sampling of public works employees in Birmingham, Alabama. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(6), 518-524.
- Bukvic, A, J Gohlke, A Borate and J Suggs. (2018). Aging in Flood-Prone Coastal Areas: Discerning the Health and Well-Being Risk for Older Residents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), p.2900.
- Kuras, ER, MB Richardson, MM Calkins, KL Ebi, JJ Hess, KW Kintziger, MA Jagger, A Middel, AA Scott, JT Spector, CK Uejio, JK Vanos, BF Zaitchik, JM Gohlke, and DM Hondula. (2017). Opportunities and Challenges for Personal Heat Exposure Research. Environmental health perspectives, 125(8), 085001.
- Krometis, LH, JM Gohlke, K Kolivras, E Satterwhite, SW Marmagas, L Marr. (2017). Environmental Health Disparities in the Central Appalachian Region of the United States. Reviews in Environmental Health 32 (3), 253-266. Times Cited: 13
- Jian, Y, CY Wu, and JM Gohlke (2017). Effect modification by environmental quality on the association between heatwaves and mortality in Alabama, United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 1143.
- Bernhard, MC, ST Kent, MA Sloan, MB Evans, McClure LA, JM Gohlke. (2015). Measuring personal heat exposure in an urban and rural environment. Environmental Research 137: 410-418. PMCID: PMC4355189.
- Kent ST, McClure LA, Zaitchik BF, Smith TT, & JM Gohlke. (2014). Heat Waves and Health Outcomes in Alabama (USA): The Importance of Heat Wave Definition. Environ Health Perspect. 122(2): 151-8
- Fitzgerald, TP, JM Gohlke. (2014). Contaminant levels in Gulf of Mexico reef fish after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as measured by a fishermen-led testing program. Environ Sci and Technol. 48(3): 1993-2000.
- Smith, TT, BF Zaitchik, JM Gohlke. (2013). Heat waves in the United States: definitions, patterns and trends. Climatic Change 118 (3-4): 811-825.
- Portier CJ, KT Tart, SR Carter, CH Dilworth, AE Grambsch, JM Gohlke, J Hess, SN Howard, G Luber, JT Lutz, T Maslak, N Prudent, M Radtke, JP Rosenthal, T Rowles, PA Sandifer, J Scheraga, PJ Schramm, D Strickman, JM Trtanj, PY Whung. (2013). A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change: A report outlining research needs on the human health effects of climate change. Jour Current Issues in Globalization 6(4): 621. Times cited: 226
- Bernhard, MC, MB Evans, ST Kent, E Johnson, SL Threadgill, SB Tyson, SM Becker, JM Gohlke. (2013). Identifying environmental health priorities in underserved populations: a study of rural versus urban communities. Public Health 127 (11): 994-1004.
- Gohlke JM, D Doke, M Tipre, M Leader, T Fitzgerald. (2011). A review of seafood safety after the Deepwater Horizon blowout. Environ Health Perspect. 119(8): 1062-69
- Gohlke JM, R Thomas, A Woodward, D Campbell-Lendrum, A Prüss-Üstün, S Hales, CJ Portier (2011). Estimating the global health implications of electricity and coal consumption. Environ Health Perspect. 119(6): 821-6.
- Gohlke JM, R Thomas, Y Zhang, MC Rosenstein, AP Davis, C Murphy, CJ Mattingly, KG Becker, CJ Portier (2009) The Genetic and Environmental Pathways to Complex Diseases. BMC Systems Biology 3: 46.
- Thomas R, JM Gohlke, F Parham, CJ Portier (2009). Choosing the right path: Enhancement of biologically-relevant sets of genes or proteins using pathway structure. Genome Biology 10(4):R44.
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