Emilie Litsinger, (617) 756-2972, [email protected]
(Boston, MA-April 8, 2009) “After decades of mostly bad news, NOAA has committed to charting a new course for the oceans and New England’s fishing industry.  It’s highly unusual for the NOAA Administrator to come to any fishery council meeting so the fact Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco personally came to New England, in just her third week on the job, signals NOAA’s strong commitment to tackle the significant economic and environmental problems plaguing our region’s groundfish fishery.
“The $16 million is a real shot in the arm for New England’s ailing fisheries.  The challenge for all of us in the region is now to make good on Dr. Lubchenco’s call for 50 percent of the groundfish fleet to be under catch share (“sector”) management by May 2010.   The next major step is for the New England Fishery Management Council to pass Amendment 16 to the groundfish management plan at their June meeting.
“Dr. Lubchenco’s leadership is taking the trajectory of groundfish management in New England from crisis mode to problem-solving mode.” 

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