
Dan Cronin, 202-572-3354, [email protected]

(Washington - December 19, 2008) Environmental Defense Fund’s Transportation Director Michael Replogle, an advisor to the U.S. Department of Transportation and a former consultant to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration and the World Bank, issued the following statement about President-elect Obama’s nomination of retiring Republican Illinois Congressman Ray LaHood to be Secretary of Transportation:

“We urge Secretary-designate LaHood to lead the Obama Administration’s efforts to adopt new transportation policies to help solve the critical economic, climate and environmental problems facing our country. It is vital that the economic recovery package and the next transportation bill focus investment on expanding low-carbon transportation options, repairing existing infrastructure, and improving freight and passenger transportation system performance.

“Secretary-designate LaHood has an opportunity to shape transportation policy for a generation in a way that cuts traffic, global warming and toxic pollution, and helps us achieve energy independence.  We hope Secretary-designate LaHood will work closely with Obama’s strong environmental team of Carol Browner, Steven Chu, and Lisa Jackson. We look forward to working with Secretary-designate LaHood to make these important changes a reality.”

One of the world’s leading international nonprofit organizations, Environmental Defense Fund ( creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With more than 3 million members and offices in the United States, China, Mexico, Indonesia and the European Union, EDF’s scientists, economists, attorneys and policy experts are working in 28 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter @EnvDefenseFund