For immediate Release      

Contact:  Jesus Mena: c (415)-948-4220; [email protected]
                             Kathryn Phillips: c(916) 893-8494; [email protected]
(Sacramento – November 6, 2008) – California’s mass transit system can be seriously damaged by the cuts in transit funding that Governor Schwarzenegger proposed today, said a spokesperson for Environmental Defense Fund.
Governor Schwarzenegger proposed eliminating $230 million from local transit operations and capital costs associated with local mass transportation operations.
“Public transit in most parts of California is on life support,” said Kathryn Phillips, Environmental Defense Fund transportation and air policy expert.  “It can’t tolerate yet more cuts in state funding and still meet fast-growing demand.”
Phillips pointed out that this week Californians voted for various transit measures around the state despite the economic malaise because they understand the critical need for improved mass transit. Some of the propositions that were approved, such as Measure R in Los Angeles, required tax increases and a more than two-third majority for passage.  
“Through their votes, California’s population made it clear where their priorities lie,” said Phillips. “The governor and legislature must find new dollars for transit and not cut existing funding. We can’t have a well-educated, healthy workforce if there isn’t a way to get to school, to work and to vital services. Mass transit decreases pollution and reduces traffic congestion. We need to invest in it at the level Californians demand.”

With more than 3 million members, Environmental Defense Fund creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships to turn solutions into action.