Contact: Elena Craft, Environmental Defense Fund, 713.942.5821-w or 512.632.4946-c
Media Contact: Chris Smith, Environmental Defense Fund, 512.691.3451-w or 512.659.9264-c or [email protected]
(Houston – August 26, 2008) The Port of Houston Authority voted today to award a contract to Starcrest Consulting Group, LLC, to aid the Port in developing a comprehensive clean air plan. This plan will address all major sources of emissions resulting from Port activities, and include measurable, performance-based goals and implementation timelines. The plan will be presented for public review and comment within six months, with consideration by the Commission within nine months.
The following statement can be attributed to Elena Craft, Ph.D., clean air specialist with Environmental Defense Fund:
“Today, we applaud the Port for embarking on a process that could translate into real air quality benefits for the Houston region, and for joining the ranks of other ports around the country that recognize the integral roles they can play in reducing air pollution. Certainly, all of us who breathe the air in Houston appreciate efforts to reduce emissions that impact our health and compromise our region’s economic viability.”


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