2021 Impact Report
Seizing new opportunities for climate progress

We are excited to share our 2021 Impact Report, where you can find information on our latest achievements and efforts—all aimed to fight climate change and protect people and the planet.
Connecting the dots
This year, more than ever, people around the world connected the dots between climate change and the damage done by extreme weather. This brought a new urgency, along with opportunities for many, including policymakers, to become more open to bolder action. To keep up with the growing acceptance of needed climate solutions, EDF spearheaded major efforts in 2021 to translate these growing opportunities into progress toward our vision of a vital Earth for everyone.
Explore the interactive report
Key Highlights
- Research led by EDF climate scientist Ilissa Ocko, emphasizing the power concerted global action and technology hold to cut methane pollution in half by 2030 and slow the rate of global warming by as much as 30%.
- An update on our unique satellite, MethaneSAT LLC, and its ability to scan millions of oil and gas sites around the globe and hundreds of thousands of miles of major pipelines.
- Insight into how EDF is working with automakers, labor unions and regulators to accelerate the transition to clean transportation.
- Information surrounding an innovative fund that aims to save large-scale tropical forests and help the Indigenous people who defend them.
- EDF's continued support to local communities, while protecting the natural resources they depend on.